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To borrow the words of Brendan Pietsch, "I blame all of you" for the existence of this blog. To the many friends and parishioners who have poked, prodded, encouraged, and downright insisted that I publish my written responses to your frequent provocations, you know who you are, and you have no one but yourselves to blame.   

My hope is that this blog will provide a platform for us to engage with one another in dialogue and discernment on the many issues of our day -- theological, social, political, etc. -- in a more personal manner than the pulpits of our beautiful sanctuaries allow. To facilitate this dialogue; please make use of the "Ask Charlie" button on this page to share your thoughts and questions.


The ideas and reflections articulated here are intentionally mine. They are not necessarily the official positions of National UMC, or of The United Methodist Church writ large, and should not be interpreted as such. Thanks again for your time.



Charlie is the Senior Pastor at The Metropolitan Church, the national church of United Methodism. During his ten year tenure at Metropolitan, Charlie has built upon the church’s rich history of pursuing social justice by confronting the challenging issues of our time, such as hunger, homelessness, and inequality. 

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